The purpose of this page is to provide resources for current and former foster youth to help transition successfully into adulthood. If you have resources you would like to see added to this page email:

The Keys to Independence program at Embrace Families removes barriers to getting a driver’s license for those served by the foster care system. This can include those placed in foster homes, group homes, relative and non-relative placements, extended foster care and post-secondary education support.

Project 10Million is an initiative aimed at delivering Internet connectivity to millions of underserved student households. The program offers FREE Internet and FREE mobile hotspots – and access to low-cost laptops and tablets.
Project 10Million offers free 100GBs/year of data to students. You will need to provide proof of Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
-Foster youth, migrant, homeless, or runaway youth

Because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became law in 2010, former/current foster youth under 26 years old are provided with free health insurance through the Medicaid state program. Florida does not automatically enroll foster youth into the former foster youth Medicaid program. Foster youth must be signed up before aging out of care at 18+ to qualify for Medicaid until age 26.

“It is our mission to provide safe, affordable, and permanent supportive housing for adults with developmental differences and mental health diagnoses.”

The ACCESS Florida system allows customers to connect with their public assistance information 24/7, through the online application and MyACCESS Account.

AOK Scholars Program specifically support students who have aged out of foster care, and later expanded to include those students experiencing homelessness. AOK Scholars has a team of dedicated staff who provide coaching and financial support to help remove barriers to graduation.

Florida Youth SHINE is a youth-led, peer-driven organization that empowers current and former youth in foster care to become leaders and advocates within their communities. We are proudly supported by Florida's Children First. Our goal is to share our stories and experiences in order to improve the system of care for our brothers and sisters currently in care and for those who have yet to enter care.

Specific Campus-based Programs Focused on Students from Foster Care

Every Year hundreds of children age out of the foster care system here in Florida. FYA supplies a list of some of the programs offered in Central Florida which have been set up to help our youth during the transitional period.